Manpreet K. Singh

Manpreet K. Singh

Dr. Singh is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and Director of the Pediatric Mood Disorders Program in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Stanford. Her time is divided among the clinical, research, and teaching missions of department. She leads an interdisciplinary team of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, child and adolescent psychiatry fellows, clinical and research postdoctoral fellows, residents, medical students, and research coordinators to evaluate and treat youth with mood spectrum disorders along a developmental continuum. Her research focuses on investigating the origins and pathways for developing mood disorders during childhood, as well as methods to protect and preserve function before and after the onset of early mood problems. She recently completed her NIMH career development award that characterizes emotion regulation in healthy offspring of parents with bipolar disorder, and is now leading three independent NIMH funded studies examining the mechanisms of mood and other psychiatric disorders and their treatments among youth. These areas of research hold considerable promise to impact our understanding of the core mechanisms and early interventions for pediatric onset mood disorders.