Sophie Schouboe

Sophie Schouboe

Sophie started in the lab as a member of the Scan Team in June 2015. She grew up in the Bay Area and decided to return here after graduating with honors in psychology from Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington. In addition to her academic education, Sophie pursued her interest in social justice issues, especially as they relate to children. She participated in and coordinated Whitman Teaches the Movement, a volunteer program at her school focused on combating discrimination through education about the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. During her undergraduate education Sophie also participated in a semester long neurobiology study abroad program in Denmark. As a member of Scan Team, Sophie helps run fMRI scans for adults, teens, and children, and helps coordinate the fMRI portions of the child and adolescent studies in the lab. Outside of work, Sophie enjoys hiking, baking, swimming, and spending time with her family, friends, and pets.